Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy People!

Hearing from past customers telling you how much they enjoyed themselves and how their riding has progressed is one of the best parts of my job. Last night I got a thank you email from Annika who was here at weekend, she's written about her experience on her blog so I thought I'd share it.
I was also pointed in the direction of a couple of Bike Radar posts today which make nice reading ... and give me a warm glow inside.

It makes digging trails in the rain and standing around while the wind tries to remove the skin from my face all worthwhile.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Men Ride Pink

Or so I keep telling myself. Fresh from the Forest Freeride workshop my new On-One 456 in a slightly odd colour. I've put it together as a new bike for guiding duties, hence the full compliment of gears and a lightish wheelset. If you're coming riding with us this year and for whatever reason you'd rather be seen dead than be seen with this bike, just let me know and I'll ride something else!